
The extra capacity needed
Arla foods
Enabling employees to handle heavy and bulky rolls on a daily basis.

About Arla foods - Gotene mejeri
Götene dairy is one of the 14 dairies of Arla Foods in Sweden. The milk producers who own Arla Foods also supply the milk for its dairy products. At Götene dairy, Arla produces items under various Swedish brands, as well as cheese and butter for export. Established in 1971, Götene dairy now has a workforce of 450 employees.
The challenge:
In their daily work at the dairy, employees need to load the production machines with packaging materials for the finished products. The packaging rolls are too heavy and bulky for the employees to handle manually. In addition, the rolls need to be turned and tilted before loading which further complicates the material handling.
The Solution:
In order to meet Götene mejeri’s requirements of handling rolls weighing up to 75 kg, the best fit was the Lift & Drive 175P lifting trolley with a Squeeze & Turn lifting tool.
“Pronomic proposed a very good solution with a squeeze and turn function that could handle the heavy and bulky rolls. We need to handle these rolls on a daily basis, so this combination was a perfect fit,” says Jonas Björkdahl, technician at Arla Foods.
Götene mejeri acquired the lifting and tilting capacity for safe, ergonomic, and efficient lifting and loading of heavy, bulky rolls. In addition to the lifting capacity, the trolley wheels’ directional lock function facilitates the operation of the lifting trolley, enabling smooth and easy load handling.
“We couldn’t have managed without this lifting tool, as the rolls are too heavy to handle,” Jonas Björkdahl adds. Götene mejeri had previously invested in another Lift & Drive with Squeeze & Turn as well as a couple of smaller trolleys from Pronomic: “So we knew that Pronomic would deliver,” Jonas concludes.
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