
Get rid of work environment problems and increase efficiency

 Pronomic logo design element CMYK (1)
Low resolution print Brand signum Squeeze&Turn

Get rid of work environment problems and increase efficiency

In an efficient and automated production environment, there is still a need for manual tasks to be done by humans. Sometimes heavy lifting occurs where there is a risk of accidents and load injuries. Pronomic provide bespoke lifting solutions that can be adapted to the work environment, the person using the lifting tool and the load to be lifted.  The solution helps to increase productivity and at the same time improve the work environment. We will show how at the Tool Fair.

Improve a tough work environment

Work along a production line within general industries is characterized by a challenging work environment with high demands on efficiency. A lot of focus is placed on optimizing the work processes and increasing productivity. More and more work tasks are automated, but there are still manual tasks, especially within maintenance, performed by people. These often involve heavy lifting and handling of bulky materials and components.

In this kind of work environment, problems can quickly arise. Both physically with frequent pain in the neck, back and shoulders, but also other mental health / stress-related problems. Efficiency can be impacted negatively by increasing absence and sick leave rates or because of damaged goods and unnecessary production stops.

Tailored solutions

Pronomic helps customers to analyse the lifting needs and to map the work situation. Then we tailor a customized lifting solution. The design of the lifting trolley aims to avoid strain injuries and is optimized according to the user and the workplace's requirements. An ergonomically adapted lifting trolley with low dead weight and rolling resistance, counteracts strain injuries when personnel must perform heavy lifting and handle bulky materials up to 300 kg.

Efficiency gains

Mobile battery-powered lifting solutions integrated into the work environment maintain a healthy and committed work force. This results in fewer costly production stops, less damage to goods and contribute to an improved work environment while achieving efficiency gains.

Visit us at booth B07:44 at the Machine Tools Fair, Elmia fair in Jönköping, 10 - 13 May 2022 and we can discuss how you can improve your work environment.

Contact information

Mikael Berglund, Markets and sales manager, Pronomic AB, mikael.berglund@pronomic.com

Christine Ådland Holmström, Marketing and communication manager,  Pronomic AB, christine.holmstrom@pronomic.com