Carry more
Platform for crates
Become more time efficient
Platform for crates
The crate platform enhances the Lift&Drive's capacity, enabling the transportation of additional cargo. By positioning one crate on the platform and another on the load-bearing tool, efficiency in time management is significantly improved.
Compatible with following Lift&Drive models
Lift&Drive 70E
Lift&Drive 70E is the most compact electric lifting trolley in our Eco range. It’s easy to use and easy to stow away, making it ideal for work environments like canteens and kitchens, offices, libraries, or shops.
Lift&Drive 90E
Lift&Drive 90E is a basic but capable lifting trolley from our Eco range. It’s easy to use and easy to stow away, making it ideal for work environments like canteens and kitchens, offices, libraries, or shops.
Lift&Drive 90IE
Lift&Drive 90IE is a simple but capable electric lifting trolley, wider and longer chassis than to the ECO range.